Should you consumerize your enterprise web applications?

Create awesome enterprise web applications that WOW colleagues and stakeholders because they demand better web portals and back office software. To consumerize your web apps, follow a design driven development process, iterate based on end user feedback and deliver APIs that enable the user interface (UI) to work as designed. While you may not know every requirement and constraint upfront, a great UI/UX designer figures out the missing details by creating clickable prototypes with tools like InVision, which allows them to test features with users and stakeholders before a single line of code is written.

You increase productivity throughout your organization when you invest in enterprise web apps that look and feel like consumer applications. Less time and money is required to train new employees when the internal software tools you build are intuitive and easy to learn. As you iterate and enhance the enterprise web applications you build, continue to focus on usability and don’t let timelines and missing APIs prevent you from shipping an awesome product. You can also improve your application’s user experience by using AJAX or building a single page application because these approaches to development require fewer clicks and page refreshes, allowing your end users to get more done.

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